It all started with a TikTok…

One day, while browsing TikTok for market research, our Marketing Manager Emma came across a video of a condiment dispenser that was like no other. She saw customers dispensing their condiments from a cow – that’s right, a cow! So her research began…And to her surprise, a simple search of “Condiment Cow” on Google brought up an entire website dedicated to this remarkable dispenser –

She saw the potential this could have at Apple Valley Cafe, and felt like it would be the perfect addition. It was time to take this idea to her team, starting with the Marketing Director Ashley. Ashley loved the idea, but she told Emma she would need to do some further convincing to get the owners on board, as this would be a pretty big change at Apple Valley Cafe. So after she further research and a few phone calls, Emma was ready to present her idea to the owners.

Their response? “Order it today! We need that cow!” So, preparations began to welcome our very own Condiment Cow to Apple Valley Cafe. After working with maintenance to discuss installation, Emma ordered the cow and the team anxiously awaited it’s arrival.

A few days later, a large box showed up and we received our Condiment Cow! We couldn’t wait to unbox it, so we rushed it over to our maintenance barn to start the process. There she was in all her glory, almost ready to dispense condiments to our guests!
A little carpentry and framing work later, and a morning of light construction, and our Condiment Cow was installed and ready to use! But wait…What would we name her? Emma couldn’t stop singing “Sweet Caroline” and then it came to her…”SQUEEZE Caroline!” The owners loved it and thus the Condiment Cow was named Caroline!

So, the next time you visit make sure you stop in and give Caroline a SQUEEZE! She dispenses our house-made BBQ sauce, mayo, mustard, and ketchup and is sure to put a smile on your face. And don’t forget to sing while you squeeze! “SQUEEZE Caroline! *Dun Dun Dun* Ketchup’s never been so good! SO GOOD! SO GOOD!”